Monday, July 18, 2011

July 12 ❤ Playa del Carmen with Candy and Juan

Juan, Candy and I woke up early-ish since we wanted to get to Playa del Carmen at a decent hour.  Candy got in after midnight though, so we didn't want to wake up too early.  :)  Juan made chilaquiles for breakfast and after we ate, we set off on our mini journey of the Yucatan.  I got a little lazy with the picture-taking since I'd been to some of the places before, including Playa del Carmen, and because Candy was snapping lots of pictures.

Juan and I with a bronze statue in Playa del Carmen.
We walked around, drank micheladas, and Candy smoked a Cuban cigar.  After checking into a hotel, we rented some lounge chairs under an umbrella on the beach and relaxed there for a few hours.  There was this funny man tanning himself in a speedo in front of us.  He had his arms bent at his side so he looked sort of like a roasting chicken.  Candy got a picture...priceless.

We cleaned up a bit after the beach and then went to a bar to watch the Peru vs Chile game.  Unfortunately they lost.  :(  We cheered Juan up by taking him to dinner.  We went to the same restaurant we had gone to in April.  After that, Juan left to go back to Cancun and Candy and I explored some more of the shops in Playa del Carmen before turning in for the night.

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