We woke up at 6:30 AM to go eat breakfast at the same place, Bisquets Bisquets Obregon. Today Juan ordered an omelette since we hadn't eaten nearly as much at the Chaya Maya the night before as we had a couple nights before. I had about the same: carrot juice, yogurt/melon/granola, and a chocolate croissant. We split a cheese danish. I got hungry much earlier- apparently it wasn't enough food for a hot day. We got all our stuff packed at the hotel and left it at the front before the van arrived to take us to Uxmal and Kabah. We drove by a henequen hacienda that's non-functioning and run-down. They were prepping for a baseball game in the courtyard. Sotuta de Peon was much more interesting.
When we got to Uxmal, the sky was threatening rain. Juan and I were spoiled yesterday, being blessed with a good tour group. Today one of the girls was a bit of a diva. She was eating something at a restaurant when we all wanted to start the tour. I was glad our guide started without her. We walked all around the ruins and we were actually able to walk up many parts of it unlike at Chichen Itza. It was really hot and humid though, so it made me really tired, especially walking up the ruins even though there really weren't very many steps. We saw a hoop for a ball game like we did at Chichen Itza. We also learned that Uxmal means three times built. Uxmal was built in seven periods of 52 years. One layer was built every period of 52 years.
We went all around the ruins and then our guide gave us a half an hour to do what we wanted. We took some pictures and then I looked at a shirt I had seen when we arrived. I got one for me and a dress like it for my niece. It started to rain then and so we went back to the entry area to wait for the rest of the group. We had to wait more time than was allotted because people were straggling.
Uxmal ruins. |
The decoration on the side is an upside down pyramid made of two-headed snakes. |
Overlooking part of the Uxmal ruins. |
On the steps at Uxmal. |
The ball game hoop at Uxmal. |
Awesome view of the ruins at Uxmal. |
More wall decoration at Uxmal. |
The king's throne is a two-headed jaguar. |
Overlooking Uxmal. |
When we got back on the van, we drove to Kabah, another small ruin that they think was linked to Uxmal in some way. Kabah was more in ruins than the others we have seen, but we were able to walk up the steps on all the parts of the ruin. We didn't stay there long since it was going to rain, but also because it wasn't that big. Juan was playing with some dogs at the entrance while we were waiting for the others to finish up. I got a pretty handmade doll there.
Ruins at Kabah. |
I liked the flower design etched into the stone I'm sitting on. |
At the top of the steps at Kabah ruins. They look like they are unwalkable, but they weren't too bad. |
Kabah ruins. |
Playing with the puppy at the entrance to the Kabah ruins. |
After we rounded everyone up, we went to eat lunch at a restaurant nearer to Uxmal. It was Yucatecan food. I had pollo pibil, a salad and crema española. Juan had sopa de lima, pollo yucateca, and crema española. We sat with the other people on the tour and the girl we weren't so fond of had gone out for a cigarette and didn't come back to eat. Hugo, the guy she was with said, "Me da mucha pena," which means she gives him grief. We got in the van again and made our way back to Merida. Juan and I got our bags from the hotel and went to the Neveria Colon one last time to get a sorbette de mamey and a chambola de chocolate to go. We grabbed a taxi and went to the bus station - next stop Campeche.
When we got to Campeche it was already 8 PM. We went walking toward the downtown area to get a bus to Siho Playa. We got a collectivo bus to the station and then had to wait until 9 PM for the bus to Siho Playa. It was going to take another hour to get to Siho Playa. Juan was getting scared that we were going to be in the middle of nowhere with no place to stay. Most of the way there the road was pitch black. We finally got to the hotel and it was fancy. The reviews had given the wrong prices, but for the price we paid, we had a really good experience. We were a couple of the only people staying there, so we got a very private experience. There was a restaurant, but it was closed when we got there so we ordered a salad and a club sandwich through room service. I thought they would charge us an inflated tax and tip, but they didn't. We were right on the beach and fully enjoyed the air conditioning, shower with shampoo and conditioner, and the really comfortable beds. :)
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