Sunday, January 30, 2011

Domingo (Sunday)

Today I got to talk to Mom on Skype.  It was good to see a familiar face and hear a familiar voice.  She got to see Tino, Lauren, and some of the place where I'm living.

I'm starting to feel a bit more at home here.  I think the initial anxiousness is wearing off and I'm starting to settle in a bit.  I think anyone who knows me well knows that I'm really hard on myself.  As far as teaching goes, I'm trying to just take a deep breath and know that I'm doing my best with these kids.

This morning, Lauren and I thought we were going to go with Emil and the man who he and Ylva tutor to see a church.  We thought it was closer by, but when we realized it was in Concepcion, we decided to stay in Huancayo and walk down to the Sunday market.

Walking along the Sunday market.

We walked along and more people asked where we were from.  We saw more tourists wandering about, so we figured that it's beginning to be tourist season.  We got various things and then walked back up toward the house.

I bought a few things from this woman.

I got a chicken burger for lunch.  They are really cheap and pretty tasty.  They are less than a dollar, which is insane.  They actually put french fries in the bun with the burger.

Chicken Burger...yum!
After the market, Lauren and I wrote up an exam for our older class and then I watched a movie.  We all went to La Rustica for dinner, which was really good.  I got a big salad, chorizo, and a skewer of corazon (heart).  There was really good service and the prices were better than the touristy restaurant we went to last Sunday.  Max got a pisco sour and Emil got a pina colada.  We told him that he had to tie the cherry stem in his mouth and after awhile he took it out and said it was too hard.  He hadn't eaten the cherry!  We had a good laugh about that.

Now we're back at home and tomorrow we start all over again...

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