Sunday, January 23, 2011

Street Market

Today the six of us went to the street market that is a few blocks away from us.  There are stalls filled with many different things: hand-woven bags, rugs and scarves; knit hats, scarves, gloves, and sweaters; clothing like pants, shirts, shoes, and underwear; food like yogurt, fruit, vegetables, meals, and even live guinea pigs and rabbits.  I bought some things there.  Here are a few pictures:

Hand-embroidered alpaca scarves.

An alpaca sweater...see the little alpacas woven into it?

My hat with alpacas on it and fingerless gloves.
The hand-woven purse I bought at the market.

Tonight we went to a restaurant and I had Lomo Fino a la Parilla.  There was so much meat on my plate, but it was quite tasty.  One of the other volunteers got deep-fried guinea pig and it came out with the head, hands, feet and all.  It was quite interesting looking.  Almost each of us had a taste.  It tasted kind of like the dark meat on a turkey.  They were playing 80s music in there and Milli Vanilli, "Baby, Don't Forget My Number" came on.  I couldn't believe I was listening to Milli Vanilli in the middle-of-nowhere Peru.  

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