Monday, February 21, 2011

Another Monday

We haven't been able to use the WIFI since Friday afternoon.  Tino got sick around the same time and was finally well enough today Tino to look into the problem.  Someone had taken over his WIFI, so he had to reset the name and password and then all was better.  He thought it was the guy who had come to set up the new router.  Yikes!

This morning I taught ballet again.  Pilar and Angela are doing so well.  They can go through the motions of everything I teach them.  I'm so impressed by them!

After that I went up on the roof to do some laundry.  I had been so proud of myself on Saturday for not getting burned during the hike, and today I burned my back while doing laundry.  Go figure.  Tino's mom was up on the roof with me off and on when I was doing laundry.  She and Lorenza (one of the women who does cleaning) kept coming by when it would start sprinkling, warning me to get out of the rain.  It kept sprinkling off and on, but I finished before any real rain came.  When Lauren came home, she started doing her laundry.  I was helping her get her clothing hung up because the clouds were darkening and there was thunder.  Tino's mom was laughing at me because I was raising my arms to the sky like I was catching the rain.  She just makes you want to laugh when she laughs because her whole face crinkles up in a smile and it's so you can see the gaps in her teeth.  She was telling me about the lightning and making gestures with her hand how it was going to come down and strike.  Then she would laugh.  Lauren and I got the last of her stuff hung out to dry before the rain started really coming down.

This afternoon I worked on getting some buttons created for the website I'm working on and then I watched a movie with Lauren when she came back from teaching.  She wasn't feeling so well, so she had come back when the others went for 2 for 1 drinks at the Coqui Cafe in Plaza Vea.

After dinner, I taught English and now another day has passed by in a flash.  Pretty soon it will be time flies!!!

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