Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lazy Saturday

There hasn't been much going on out of the ordinary teaching ballet, working on the website, and teaching the English class at night to Tino's family, so that's why I haven't written in a few days.  Don't want to sound like a broken record.  It also rained a lot this week, so I didn't really leave the house much.

Last night I was frantically working on my weaving after dinner since I have to finish up pretty soon.  There are fifteen volunteers coming as a group from a university next Friday, so they need the room to put people in.  Mari came in there to ask if we could skip the English class that night.  She stayed and was talking to me and then Pilar, Angela, Mabel, and Lorenza were also in there talking to me.  She was telling me about when Angela and Pilar were born.  She said that she hardly showed when she was pregnant with Pilar.  She said she was really small.  Angela was bigger than that.  She also brought in the snake skin she had bought.  It's an actual skin just cleaned out.  She wants to make jewelry out of it with some gold, but she said she thinks if she takes it to someone that they might steal it from her since it is worth a lot.  She's thinking about trying to do it herself.

After I tired of weaving, I went to see if the others wanted to go to karaoke with Mabel and me.  They were trying to finish up the rest of the vodka and other drinks they had bought because Ylfa and Emil are leaving next Thursday and Lauren is leaving the Monday after that.  It's going to be so strange without them here since they have all been with me since I got here.  They didn't end up coming and when I went to go get Mabel, she was talking on the phone to her boyfriend.  He's Peruvian but he lives in the US.  She had me talk to him to figure out exactly where he lives.  He lives in Bakersfield and said he was familiar with Santa Barbara.

When we got to karaoke, it was already full, so we had to wait awhile before they let us in and sat us at the bar.  I sang a couple songs and got some "Bravos" from the tables around us.  I think they really like it when people sing in English.  I sang one in English and one in Spanish.  We left after that and Lauren, Emil and Dwan were still up.  They seemed pretty happy drunk by that time.

In the morning, Emil said he felt hungover.  Lauren said her stomach wasn't feeling so great, but otherwise she was fine.  We had been talking about what to do today, and since Mabel had to be back for a singing performance and Lauren didn't feel like sitting in a taxi, we decided to just stay in town and walk around.  The rest of the group when to the museum that we went to a few weeks ago with Fiona.  Lauren and I went to a bunch of little shops and ended up getting some clothes and some DVDs.  We went into one place that we thought sold DVDs and the girl showed us into a room with a couch and a TV.  They had a little makeshift movie theater set up.  We could have watched a movie for a little more than a dollar there.  By the time we made our way back to the Plaza Constitucion, we were really hungry.  We ate at a restaurant called Detras de la Catedral, which is named that because it's actually behind the cathedral.  I got artichoke ceviche, lomo saltado, and lucuma juice.  It was all really yummy.  Lauren had a hamburger.  Afterwards we walked down the other way on the main street.  We looked into a dress shop.  When Lauren wanted to know how much one of the dresses cost, the woman asked if we wanted to rent it or buy it.  I was a little thrown off by the question and then realized what she was asking.  Lauren didn't want to try it on because her skin's peeling from the burn she got last weekend.  I'm peeling too from the burn I got last Monday washing my clothes.  We walked through the Casa de Artesania and then went to find the place where Mabel was going to be performing.  We went in and then after awhile, Ylfa, Emil and Dwan came in too.  We realized that she was at the end and they were not very far into the program.  We walked around to kill some time and then when we went back, we thought it was going to be a lot longer.  Lauren, Dwan and I came home and we just found out that we missed her performance because they left out a lot of the program.  I'm really sad I didn't get to see it.

Now we're preparing for the lights to all go out.  Apparently they are turning the lights out in all of Huancayo for ten to twenty minutes to simulate an earthquake.

Last night when I was weaving, Pilar was asking Mari if she could get a certain backpack at Plaza Vea.  I guess she is going to be studying nineteen subjects at school and Angela has thirteen.  I couldn't believe it.  That seems like a crazy amount of subjects.  Anyway, Mari said it was too much.  She was teasing her and saying that she would just weave her a backpack.  She was groaning that she didn't like woven backpacks.  Today I told Mari that I could take them both to get backpacks after our ballet class on Monday.

Tonight I might go dancing with Mabel...or maybe just stay in and watch one of the movies Lauren and I bought...or maybe both.  :)

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