Friday, February 18, 2011

Gracias a Dios Es Viernes

GDEV doesn't sound quite as good as TGIF.  :)  I think all the other volunteers are echoing my sentiments that it's Friday.  Friday-night karaoke is near.  I'm not sure if we are going tonight, but there has been talk.

Last night after I made some progress on the website, I was too tired to weave.  Tino even asked later on in the night if I had done any weaving.  I felt like a lump though and just didn't have the energy to do it.  It is coming along quite nicely though, and since I've been too lazy to take pictures this past week, I took some pictures this morning to make this blog entry a little bit more interesting.  Here's what I have so far for my weaving.  The things that look like little boats are what you use to slide the yarn from one side to the other.

My weaving.

Close-up of my weaving.

I felt like I was falling asleep at the dinner table and went to lay down on the couch before I had to teach my English class.  Tino came to get me right at 9:00, saying he was looking for his teacher.  He said he wanted to get to sleep early.  The class went by quickly though and I didn't have to do much since I had given them homework to write up some questions using Who, What, Where, When, Why and How.  I had each of them come up to ask the class their questions and I wrote them up on the board.  After that they had to read them out loud for pronunciation.  I think that might be the hardest thing for them.

The other volunteers were in the middle of watching a movie, so I just got ready for bed, read a bit of my book, and then crashed.

This morning after breakfast, I was taping up the box I'm planning to take to the post office today.  I'm trying to make it more sturdy since it looks like it went through the wringer on the way over here.  Lots and lots of tape.  When everyone left for school, I got my stuff together and went to set up the room for ballet class.  I went over a few more new things today as well as reviewed some of what we learned yesterday.  I had them do some small leaps to either side, which took a bit longer to master than yesterday's lesson.  We also did the waltz step and I actually got to use music for that.  I took some pictures of them in ballet poses before they left.  Angela wanted me to take a video of her doing the pattern that we had learned today, so I took some videos of both her and Pilar doing the combination.

Angela and Pilar doing a ballet pose.

Angela and Pilar in first position.

The building in front of the building we live in has been under construction.  Tino said they were building a tourist restaurant.  It's supposed to open tomorrow, but it's still looking pretty rough around the edges.  Emil said we should all go over there and look at the menu, say it's too expensive and then walk away.  They all think that they know Tino houses a lot of "tourists," so they would be devastated if we didn't want to go there.  It is kind of off of the beaten path.

The restaurant across the street.

Yesterday I got some snacks at the supermarket, but I didn't have a whole lot of money on me, so I left the chips I had been craving there.  Lauren went back later in the day and got some for me.  I swear these are the best chips ever, sweet potato chips.  Why don't we have them in the states?

Yummy sweet potato chips!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your weaving looks great! What a good money making idea... WWM Sweet Potato Chips!
