Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another Wednesday

Today I was excited to teach ballet when I woke up.  I even had a dream about looking for my ballet slippers.  I got up and started looking for some ballet music to download and found a whole CD to download for free.  After breakfast I taught some of the ballet basics to Pilar, Angela, and Lauren.  Pilar and Angela are Tino's daughters.  I think they had fun.  I taught for about 45 minutes today so I wouldn't overwhelm them too much with lots of new things.  It felt good to do ballet again.

After the class, Lauren and I walked down to La Casa de Artesania, the artesan market that's open every day.  We looked around every stall and ended up buying a few things.  We were going to go to the post office, but there was a protest going on in the street near it.  There was police blocking the street around it to keep it contained.  We figured it would be best to stay out of that area so we wouldn't get confused with the protesters.  Instead of going to the post office, we looked into a clothing store before heading home for lunch.

I read a little bit of Como Agua Para Chocolate after lunch.  When everyone else left for the mountain school, I started back up on the website.  Trying to figure out Dreamweaver in Spanish is quite a frustrating task.

When the other volunteers got back, I watched a bit of a movie with Ylfa and Emil and then Mari came to get Ylfa and I for our weaving lesson.  We didn't get much done before dinner was ready.  I got a little frustrated at dinner because I feel like the other volunteers always make fun of the United States.  I've just gotten really tired of it and when I was done, I just got up from the table and started back up on my weaving.  Two of the volunteers came in and commented on how good my weaving was.  I was improvising when Tino came and and said I was doing a really good job.  He said now I can weave by myself whenever I want because I'm doing so well.  It's really coming along.  I'll have to take another picture of it soon.

I got so carried away with my weaving again, that we started English class late again.  We were going over the verb "to be."  Everyone did really well with it.  I have to correct the homework I gave them yesterday, but that can wait until tomorrow.  Now I'm exhausted and am ready to take a shower and fall into bed.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

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