Sunday, February 6, 2011

Domingo...Lazy Sunday

This morning after breakfast, we walked down to Plaza Constitucion even though it was raining.  Lauren has been craving a good cup of coffee and Tino told us that the best cup of coffee is at the Coqui Cafe.  She and Emil got coffee, I got lucuma fruit ice cream, and Ylfa got chocolate cake and melon juice.  It was pretty good.  What was funny was that I was looking at a magazine that had been on the table and then realized that it was from 2005.  Talk about flashback.

After that we all went to the Sunday market, but Lauren and I broke off from Ylfa and Emil after a bit.  We went up and down the market like we have the past two weekends.  By the time we left, the sun was coming out and the rain was clearing up.  

The rest of the afternoon, I started writing my postcards and washed some of my clothes up on the roof since there was finally some sun.

Lauren and I went back to La Rustica while Emil and Ylfa went to a pizza place.  We went down to the basement where they have karaoke.  We were the only ones down there for awhile and then a bunch of people came down.  It was different than how karaoke works at home.  They did have songbooks and sign up cards that the waiter brought to our table when I asked, but you write down your table and the song you want to sing on the card.  Pretty much all of the songs were in Spanish.  I guess I was expecting to see more songs in English.  The waiter came and picked it up my song card, and then awhile later he brought the microphones to the table.  I sang Tu, Solo Tu.  Lauren said she wasn't embarrassed to come to karaoke with me since I can sing.  We got the same amazing salad as the last time with some meat.  Both of our meals cost 20 soles together, which is a little more than 6 dollars.  So cheap and good!

This is a picture from last Sunday, but it's the same yummy salad!
Now we're at home, watching a movie and getting ready to do it all over again.  Lauren reminded me that tomorrow is our 3-week mark from when we came to Peru.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Three weeks. It sure seems longer than that. I'm glad you are having some fun. Stay safe.
