Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Goodbye James and Fiona!!!

Yesterday afternoon we said goodbye to James and Fiona.  They brought a good energy to the group that we're all missing now.  I just saw through facebook that they were stuck in snow on the mountain going from Huancayo to Lima for 27 hours.  The trip's only supposed to take 7 to 8 hours.  Fiona said she is going to be visiting one of her friends in Half Moon Bay this summer, so we're hoping that she can come down to visit me in Goleta.  :)

Apart from the daily routine, today I went for a walk with Dwan and Lauren down to the post office.  The man who Lauren and I have bought jewelry from at the Sunday market sets up his stand there during the weekdays.  His name is Anton.  He remembered us and gave us hugs and kisses on the cheek.  Dwan got a handshake.  His wife was there with them too and she greeted us warmly as well.  He showed us all of the new jewelry he had made.  I had been eyeing a necklace on Sunday, but had left it there.  He had a similar necklace on display with a different stone in it.  He is very talented though and was able to put the stone I wanted on the necklace I liked.  He said he was giving me a good price since I was a regular customer.  :)  I told him I wanted to get a picture with him and he said he is ugly but he would do it.  I took a picture with him and his wife.  You can see my necklace in the picture.

Me, my new necklace, Anton and his wife.
Today after I worked on the website (and got a lot further, thankfully) I had to work on my weaving.  I've been slacking on it, but now I have to kick into high gear because Tino needs the looms and we also need the room for when the large groups of volunteers come in a couple weeks.  I worked on it before and after dinner until I taught English class to Tino's family.

The time seems to be passing more quickly now.  I can't believe it will be March next week.  It's Ylfa's birthday next week, so she is planning to have a big dinner with all of the volunteers and Tino's family.  It should be fun.  Today we started kicking around ideas for what to do this weekend.  I can't believe it's almost the weekend again...

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