Monday, February 21, 2011

Saturday Night and Sunday

Saturday night we went to La Cabaña and all got hot wine.  After the drinks, we decided to just go home instead of going dancing because the sleepiness from the hike had finally caught up with us all.
Sunday after breakfast, Lauren and I went down to the Sunday market.  We saw the same man there who had sold us necklaces last week.  He always has the best and most unique jewelry there.  I had been looking for some leather bracelets, and he had some that I really liked.  He ended up selling me two of them for a discounted price and also giving me another bracelet as a gift.  I’m sure we’ll get something else from him again because he has such amazing stuff.  He said he sells his jewelry in front of the post office during the week, so we might go by to take a picture with him this week.

The bracelet I got as a present.  :)

We walked around the whole market and then went to get some fruit at the other open market.  We had lunch at home and then went back out to look in some other stores near the post office.  We both ended up getting some jeans that were on sale and then came back home.
We all watched a bad Lindsay Lohan movie before we went out to dinner and karaoke.
We got hamburgers and pizza at La Cabaña and then made our way to La Rustica for karaoke.  Since there were so many new songs, I got to sing Let's Hear It For the Boy.  I also sang Tú by Shakira, which I had wanted to sing the last time we were there.  James and Fiona sang Straight Up and Rasputin, and Emil and Ylfa sang Baby, One More Time by Britney Spears.  James said that Emil sounded like Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was singing.

After we had all sung, we made our way home, trying to imitate the accents of our various countries and more.  Emil was doing a Scottish accent, Fiona tried out a Canadian accent, James attempted an American accent, and then James challenged me to try an English accent.  I'm not sure anyone really mastered any of them, but it was a good laugh.

Silly Side Note: This peach juice is sooooo good.  :)  I'm addicted.

Yummy peach juice for only 1 sol (~ 35 cents).

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