Friday, February 4, 2011

Viernes, finalmente! Friday, Finally!

We're all wiped out after a full week of teaching.  Ylfa is knocked out and it's only 9.  We're trying to get the energy to go out.  I want to sing karaoke and the others want to get a drink.

Right now it's carnival time here.  There are kids on the streets during the day throwing water balloons and we saw some people throwing buckets of water from the top of the house down the street from us.  I think that's why we had so few students our younger classes this morning.  I was thinking that no one was going to come to my class because I was sitting by myself in the classroom until 9:30 before Paola came.  She was the only one there, so she got a private lesson with me.  She wanted to work on numbers, so I was writing the numbers and she was writing out how you say it.  She was doing really well and she was asking for me to give her more numbers to write out for homework.  I was impressed!  After we finished with the numbers, we started reading "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish."  I love rereading all the Dr. Seuss books.

I was looking forward to my older class because I had brought my computer and borrowed Ylfa and Emil's speakers to play a song for them.  Herson had said his favorite song was The Reason by Hoobastank, so I took out some lyrics in the song and we handed them out so that they could try to fill in the missing words.  We went over half of the lyrics before the end of class and then some of the girls saw my picture of Jackson on my desktop from when he was two.  Then they started asking about some of the other pictures on my desktop.  Then everyone came over to see.  And then they wanted to see more pictures, so I showed them a picture of my family and of Blenda and me.  I also showed them some videos I took of Jackson saying words in Italian.  They thought he was really entertaining.  I thought it was funny that not only the girls were interested, but all the boys came over to look also.  They were commenting about how everything was English on my computer.

Lauren and I were happy that we didn't have to stop anywhere after school and lunch was ready by the time we got home.  I finished my Spanish homework and then started to work on buttons for the website and also figuring out a good name for Tino's online art store.  Leslie came down to get me for my Spanish lesson while I was finishing up.  She told me some funny stories about some of the crazy people she's seen in Huancayo.  She said this one man steals people's ice cream cones.  She said she was walking along the street with her ice cream cone and the next minute it was gone.  She said she's seen other people get their ice creams snatched too.  So crazy.  When we were done with my lesson, Ylfa and Emil were out on the roof getting some sun and eating snacks.  I stood out there with them for a bit and that's when we saw the person throwing buckets of water from the window on the top floor of a house down the street.

When I went downstairs Tino asked if I wanted to start weaving and Lauren wanted to go for a walk.  I decided to go for the walk and I went into the room to start my weaving lesson when we got back.  Mari and I just got one spindle wound with white alpaca wool when they called us for dinner.  Tino showed my how to weave after we finished dinner.  I got some finished and then there was a little bit of a problem so Tino told me to stop for tonight.

And so now Lauren, Emil and I are sitting on the couches in the living room watching the Hurt Locker because we ran out of steam to go out.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow night.  Tomorrow during the day, Mari is taking Lauren and I to another town an hour or so away.  It should be fun!  No rest for the wary...  :)

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