Monday, March 28, 2011

Domingo Deberia Estar Perezoso (Sunday should be lazy)

I had every intention of relaxing today, but that didn't happen.  I woke up early to talk to my mom and dad and then spent more time throughout the day on Skype talking to other friends.

I had been planning to go to the Sunday market with the others, but they had stayed out way later than I did at the karaoke bar.  They didn't get home until three because they kept ordering drinks and then when they went to pay, their credit card didn't work.  Mabel went around with Simon to a bunch of different ATMs until he was able to withdraw money.  Doane said that he hadn't thought it was that late, but when he got up it was around 2 in the afternoon and the house was silent.  Simon and Nora didn't get up until 11, which is when I went out with Mabel.

I went to the ATM and then to the grocery store to get some food for lunch.  I went to Radio Shack to swap the MP3 player I had gotten the other day, and they fixed it for me but now it doesn't work again.  I think I give up on it, since it was only about $20.  After that we went to the open market to get some fruit.  We also stopped at the little bakery near the house to get a few pastries.

After more time on Skype, Doane said he was going to the Sunday market.  I told him to wait for me and we walked down there together.  He was really thirsty, so we stopped at a shop and he ordered some mango juice.  We watched as the woman prepared the juice and another man got Doane his change.  He had shorted him 1 sol, so I told the woman and she and the man went back and forth about it because the man thought Doane was lying.  The whole operation was a little bit strange.  I don't understand how some of these people stay in business.  And I also wonder about the people who are cooking food to sell on street corners or who have scales and offer to tell you your weight for a price.  I can't imagine that many people wanting to pay to know their weight, although Doane was tempted today.  We walked around the market for awhile.  Doane got some shoes and I got some jewelry.  After we finished walking around there, we parted ways since I wanted to go into La Casa de Artesano and he wanted to go to some hardware stores.  He told me later that the hardware stores were closed, but that he saw a crowd of people and went to check it out.  I guess some guy was doing a comedy routine and said, "Gringo!" when he walked up.  He said he was talking to him for a long time and he didn't understand any of it but that everyone was laughing.  The guy asked him to come over to him, but he declined and came back home.

I was working on some things on my computer when Doane asked me if I'd eaten already.  We planned to go to La Cabaña for dinner with Simon, Nora, and Mabel.  We ordered three pizzas for dinner and also asked for them to bring Mikado (pick-up-sticks) to the table.  We had two games going.  I played a game with Doane and I realized that while I have a lot of patience, I was not so patient with this game.  Not enough to win at least.  Doane was taking it very seriously and so of course he won.  I had to scoot out of the restaurant before the others left because I was supposed to meet Leslie at karaoke at 10 PM.  I gave Nora and Simon big hugs since they were going to take the 11 PM bus from Huancayo to Lima.

I met Leslie at the house and we took a taxi to close up her shop.  I helped her move all of the purses from where they were hanging outside of the shop and move the glass display cases inside the store.  I was wondering if it would be boring arranging the same things every morning and then having to take them down again at night.  After leaving her store, we walked to La Rustica and there weren't that many people at karaoke.  We ordered a drink and after my first song, these two really drunk guys started talking to us and telling me that I had a pretty voice.  They asked one of the waiters to help them put chairs next to us so they could sit with us.  I was surprised that the waiter didn't ask us if we wanted them to sit with us because we would have said no.  They were trying to find a song for me to sing and they handed in Sweet Child of Mine by Guns n' Roses for me to sing.  The guy next to me was slurring his words and so I couldn't understand him most of the time.  He was trying to speak some English and was telling me he was going to sing a song for me.  He was asking for my phone number and when I told him I didn't have a cell phone he said to give him my number in the US.  They were annoying us so much and wouldn't stop even after Leslie said we had boyfriends and that I was leaving tomorrow.  They told her she was a liar and if we had boyfriends, where were they.  They also asked how we knew each other and Leslie just said we were friends and the guy asked if we were internet friends.  Leslie said yes.  Haha.  After they harassed us for awhile, they finally took their drinks to another table with two other girls.  Before they left though, they wanted to give us a hug and a kiss on the cheek like you do with friends.  We were seated by a railing and I was pressed all the way up against the railing telling him no.  They both forced a goodbye with us and afterward Leslie said we needed to go home to take a shower.  Haha.  It was much more pleasant after they left and we got to have more fun.

I was so tired when we got home and this morning I didn't get up until fifteen minutes before we usually leave.  I didn't feel so bad when I realized Doane still wasn't up yet.  :)

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