Monday, March 7, 2011

Lauren se fue. :( Lauren left...

This morning Lauren left and I had been telling her not to cry and I was the one who started to cry.  Mari had to hug me after she hugged Lauren because it was so sad.

After our tearful goodbye, I helped Mabel and Mari serve breakfast to everyone.  Mari had gotten granadillas and plums to have with breakfast and I had to tell them how to eat the granadilla.

Lauren had left a bagful of clothes behind and so I just finished washing them.  Mari was upstairs looking at them to see which item she might take.  She said Mabel probably needed them more than she did.

Since there are so many volunteers now, I'm able to stay behind to work on the website.  This morning has been more for chores though...  Angela and Pilar are going off to their first day of school, so they have been scurrying around the house getting ready.

There probably won't be much to write in my blog this week, but I thought before I forgot, I would post the picture that Lauren took of me and the kitten from the restaurant at Huaytapallana.

The kitten wanted to play.  :)
And when I tried to put him down, he just came right back to me.  :)
More than a few times our taxi had to stop to wait for alpacas or cows to clear the road.  Lauren took a picture of the cows in front of our taxi.  :) 

Watch out, cows!!!

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