Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today I mostly helped out in the kitchen, setting the table, cleaning up, etc.  I've been eating in the kitchen since the group of 16 volunteers came along.  I like eating with Tino's family and their staff.

Last night I almost did yoga with the large group.  Apparently two of them are yoga instructors, so they are planning to do yoga every night.  It was really crowded though and I was happy when Mabel told me that Mari was looking for me.  I had told Mari that Lauren had wanted the recipe to make their special hot chocolate, and so Mari wanted me to see her make it.  She had me help move the rice around and then the chocolate.  If anyone is interested in a yummy hot chocolate recipe, let me know and I can email you what I wrote down.  :)  Also last night, Leslie, Tino's niece, was in the kitchen with us and she asked when we were going to karaoke because she wants to hear me sing.  We're going to go on Friday to La Rustica while the rest of the big group goes to La Cabaña to listen to music and dance.

This morning after breakfast, I was in the kitchen with Mabel tidying up the kitchen.  Two of the guys who are in the big group had volunteered to wash dishes and Mabel was enjoying giving them more plates and pots to clean.  We were singing Como La Flor and when some of the girl volunteers came in, the boys told them that we were singing them love songs.  Ha!  Not really.

Since Angela and Pilar are at school now and the rest of the family and staff are busy with the huge group of volunteers, I'm only teaching English to Angela and Lorenza in the afternoons.  I just found out that Lorenza is eighteen and that her mother died only a few weeks ago.  I can't even imagine that.  She's such a sweet girl.  Tomorrow, Angela and Pilar will have more homework since today Mari said they just had introductions to the class.  So tomorrow I'm going to start helping Angela and maybe Pilar with math homework.

I miss teaching the ballet class for Angela and Pilar!  It's really cute though when Angela starts doing some ballet steps that she learned from me.  It makes me happy.  :)

Until tomorrow!!!  :)

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