Thursday, March 31, 2011

Esta Semana (This week)

This week has been eventful and uneventful at the same time.  I've mostly just been teaching and doing chores.

At school this week, we had two accidents that sort of scared me, but reminded me that I'm pretty calm in an emergency.  On Tuesday morning, the weather was so nice and Doane and I were feeling so lazy, we decided to have a play morning and try to work in a lesson.  We were telling them what to do in English, for instance if they had on a certain color they could advance.  A bit into the morning, Doane said that we really should have prizes, so I went to go get some candy from a nearby store.  When I got back, Doane was just having them do different kinds of racing, like crab walk or skipping or running backward.  The running backward idea turned out to be not such a good one, because Jhesly, one of my students, ended up tripping over another student, falling backward, and hitting the back of her head and then her cheek on the cement.  Doane and I rushed over and after we were sure she was okay to move, I walked her over to the grassy area in front of the classrooms to clean up her tears and ask her how she was feeling.  I stayed with her for the rest of classtime and figured she was doing better because she was smiling at the silly things the other kids were doing.  She did look out of sorts though and Doane and I wanted to be sure she didn't have a concussion.  He went to go look it up online in an internet cafe and we asked her if she had any of the symptoms they had listed.  She said she had some of the symptoms, but we thought she probably didn't have a concussion.  We walked her to her house and I told her older sister what had happened.  I was a bit worried when she didn't show up for school yesterday, but she was there today and she said she felt a lot better.

This morning before class had even started, a little girl hit her head on the swings.  The swings are made of metal and are quite big, so it must have really hurt.  She was wailing away and we went down to see if she was okay.  Doane carried her into his classroom and we laid her down on the table to clean her up.  She was bleeding quite a bit from her head, which is a frightening thing to see.  Mabel got the cotton and alcohol and was wiping away the blood from the wound while I held her hand to calm her down.  She quieted down and we wiped the blood and dirt from her face.  Then she started to get curious about what was going on outside, so I figured she was feeling a lot better.  I asked her if she wanted to stay or go home and she said she wanted to stay.  Thank goodness both incidences were taken care of and no one was seriously injured.

The other new happening is that I've decided to leave Huancayo on Monday and go to Cancun for a couple weeks before spending a few days in Lima and then going on to Ecuador.  I went to get a few warm weather things with Mabel and also got her a few things she wanted.  She keeps telling me not to leave and that I should stay another month or just move here.  She says she doesn't want to be awake on Monday morning when Doane and I leave because our goodbye will be too sad.  She has been a very good friend to me and I'll miss her a lot.  Today I told Mari and Lorenza that I wanted to take them shopping too.  Mari sacrifices so much for the kids at school and Lorenza does so much for us in the house, I just wanted to do something nice for them both.  Plus it will be fun taking them shopping!!!  :)

Tomorrow will be bittersweet.  I've had a good time with both of my classes, but they can be frustrating as well!!!  ;)  It will definitely be sad to leave them.  Kevin in my morning class asked when I was leaving and when I told him tomorrow was my last day, he asked if we were going to have a party.  He's been one of my favorites even though he can drive me a bit crazy as well.  :)  I'm just hoping to get a lot of pictures with my kids!!!

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