Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday - Adios, muchachas y el cumpleaños de Haydee - Goodbye, girls and Haydee’s birthday

This morning I was exhausted again because of the late night, but I woke up early.  The neighbors had stolen the wireless again...changing the name of it and the password.  I went to pay Tino for this week and let him know about the wireless.
Mabel, Doane, Simon, Nora and I all walked to school together and left the girls to fend for themselves.  I had asked Mabel if we were going to wait for them and she said she didn’t care what they did.  They were already at the school when we got there because they had taken the bus.  It started to rain and so we were standing under the overhangs in front of the classrooms.  The girls were standing in front of my classroom and I whispered to Mabel that I would scream if they tried to take over my class.  I went in before them and they went into the classroom that Simon had been teaching in.  Mabel started directing his class to a different classroom that he could teach in for the morning.  The girls ended up helping some students with their homework from high school.  It all seemed to work out okay in the end.  I gave Justi his pick of a new notebook since he had finished his on Monday.  He was excited to have it and even wanted to keep the part that is part of the packaging, saying what type of notebook it is.  He came back in during the break and was asking me some questions.  I asked him if he was going to play and he said no.  I think it was just because Kevin wasn’t at school today.

Justi and Kevin.  I kept trying to get a picture of Kevin and he kept hiding.  :)

Joselin.  She is sooooo sweet!
Before lunch, the girls came into the kitchen and told us that they were leaving.  Doane said that their bags were enormous and he asked if that was just for a week and a half.  They told him no, it was for two weeks.  I gave them hugs goodbye, though I was really just relieved that we wouldn’t have to deal with their behavior anymore.  I was wrong though because Mabel came back up after the left and told me that something had happened.  Apparently they had paid Tino with checks and Tino told them that they probably wouldn’t be able to cash them.  He asked them if they had any cash and they said no.  So they basically left without paying.  I hope it gets sorted out somehow because that is really upsetting if it doesn’t.
After lunch, I went downtown to see if the Radio Shack down by Plaza Constitucion still had the small clock I had washed the day before.  They did, so I bought two just in case.  They are really cheap, so buying two was cheaper than what I had paid for my travel alarm clock in the US.
I went by Leslie’s store after that, but she wasn’t there.  I found out later that she had been in Lima.  I went to go buy some movies and got a bunch of new movies to add to our collection.  When I got home, I had enough time to set one of my new clocks to take to school with me.
My students at school were asking me where the other girls were and I told them they had left.  They said they knew they were leaving soon because they had been taking pictures.  Now I realize why some of my students asked if I was leaving last Friday when I was taking pictures.  Joselin had asked me and given me a big hug and said she didn’t want me to go.  Today two of my afternoon girls asked how long I was staying and were happy when I said I still had another month with them.  I gave Luna a new notebook too because she has just recently joined our class.  She chose the pink notebook.
The other teachers had kept playing with the kids after the recess was over, but I had called my class in.  When I finished and told Mabel that it was 5:20, twenty minutes later than class is supposed to last, she started yelling that she was leaving.  Everyone kept playing for a bit and then we finally rounded everyone up and out the door.  One of the boys was asking Doane to be his caballito or his horse.  They’ll just say, “Teacher, caballito?”  He’s been directing them to me, but I’m not about to try to lift these kids up onto my shoulders.  :)  He finally got Simon to be Nando’s caballito.
When we had almost reached home, we all stopped to get ice cream because we were all extremely hungry for some reason.  I got a lucuma fruit ice cream sandwich.  It was really yummy!
When we got home we didn’t have to wait too long for dinner.  Simon and Nora were talking about making popcorn that they had bought and watching a movie.  The popcorn part happened, but the movie-watching didn’t.  Tino walked in with a big cake and said that it was for Haydee’s birthday.  We waited for Haydee and the rest of the family to come into the kitchen.  Angela was running back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room window like she always does.  I like playing with her and catching her as she’s running.  She likes playing around with me too and giggles as she hides behind the curtains or the door in the kitchen.  I was swinging her around in circles in the dining room.
After awhile the whole family made it into the kitchen and we sang happy birthday to her.  Tino said I was going to lead singing happy birthday in English.  I was a bit embarrassed, but I did it in the end.  We showed Haydee that Doane had suggested we put popcorn on the cake, so Leslie had put popcorn in the middle of all the flowers on the cake.  It almost made them look like orchids.  We all talked about the trip to the jungle and were laughing at all the things that had happened.  Before people started trickling out to go to sleep, we took a big group picture.

The whole crew!  Happy after eating cake!!!  :)

I was talking to Mari in between working on my blog and she told me that I should have her mom read coca tea leaves for me.  She said she’s really good at it and she has a lot of people asking her to read leaves for them.  I’m not so sure that I want to know what the leaves think my future will be...
Now I should be in bed asleep, but I just wanted to get caught up with my blog to keep everyone updated!!!  Good night!!!

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