Friday, March 4, 2011


Last night before dinner, Lauren and I walked down to the ATM and then to La Casa de Artesenia even though it was raining a bit.  The guard at the bank always looks into the room where the ATM is when we're in there since the walls are all clear glass windows.  I looked back and smiled and Lauren asked me if I was making eye promises.  Haha.  I liked that saying, "eye promises."  I told her no, that I'd just smiled at him and he'd smiled back.  We looked at all of the jewelry counters at La Casa de Artesenia.  Lauren was looking at all of the earrings and I was looking at rings.  We were starving by the time we were walking back and were happy to see that dinner was ready when we got home.  After dinner I watched part of Dirty Dancing with the others and taught my English class.  :) 

Today I'm happy and sad at the same time.  I'm happy because Pilar and Angela love my ballet class so much that yesterday I caught them practicing their favorite ballet moves in the dining area, and today they came to get me for class almost fifteen minutes before our regular start time.  They even set up the desks how I usually have them.  We use the back of the desks as our ballet barre.  And when I asked if they wanted to end the class they said, "Noooooo," again even though an hour and twenty minutes had already passed.  They were enjoying learning how to do cartwheels and playing follow the leader.  For follow the leader, one person does some ballet moves and everyone else has to follow.  When I asked if we should end the class they wanted to have at least one more turn for each person.  It was cute because they were coming up with their own moves too, ones we hadn't learned in class.  So why am I sad when all of this is so happy and heartwarming?  Well, today was our last ballet class because both of the girls start school on Monday.  When we finished the ending stretches, I took more pictures of them in ballet poses.  I told them for my final picture they could do any pose they wanted to do and they stood in posse position, with one leg bent and the toe pointed to the knee.

Pilar and Angela doing their posses.  :)

After pictures, they both thanked me more than once.  Pilar said she didn't want to go to school on Monday and Angela said she wanted to go, but she also wanted to dance ballet all day.  :)  They both gave me big hugs.  So it's a bittersweet day for me.

This morning at breakfast Mabel asked me what we wanted to do on Saturday and said that Dwan had told her he wanted to go to Huaytapayana, the glacier.  I asked her if it was dangerous because Tino had said that it was, but she said it was only dangerous if we tried to climb the glacier.  Tino said you could do it before because there were only three holes in the ice, but now it's dangerous because there are hundreds of holes in the ice.  Lauren wants to go there too, so I think that's where we'll be going tomorrow.  Mabel said then we wouldn't go to karaoke tonight...I told her we should just go earlier.  :)  We're still planning to go dancing tomorrow excuses!  :)  It's Lauren's last weekend and she said she'll go, so it will definitely be fun going dancing with them both.

Lauren and I have been talking about what things we'll have to do before she leaves on Monday.  Most of them have to do with food.  :)  She wants to get a lemon meringue pie at one of the bodegas nearby, go to the coffee shop near Plaza Constitucion, and go back to Detras de la Catedral, the restaurant we tried last weekend.  She also wants to go to the Sunday market one last time.  We have a lot to accomplish this weekend!!!

Oh...and today's fruit is granadilla...I took a picture before I started eating it after dance class today.  It looks kind of funny but it tastes really good.

Granadilla...a type of passion fruit.

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