Monday, March 14, 2011

Lunes (Monday)

Today I started teaching classes up at the mountain school.  This is my third segment of my trip here: first was teaching at Concepcion, next was teaching ballet, and now, finally, I'm up at the mountain school.  I have the older classes in the morning and afternoon.  They are pretty funny because they tease each other about a girl liking a boy or a boy liking a girl.  I was having them think of sentences using verbs I put on the board and they were saying things like, "Kevin and Jhesly dance at parties."  And then they would all laugh.  The afternoon class was all girls, so they were teasing each other endlessly about the boys they liked.  I had a lot of fun with them.

Between classes, I went downtown and ended up at Leslie's store.  I bought something there and then she walked back to the house with me in time for me to get to the school.  It was pretty warm out today, so I got some sun and it's making me really sleepy.  Mari asked me, "Amy, are you okay?  Your face is pink.  Or are you mad?"  I thought that was pretty funny...I'm not sure my face has ever gotten that red from being mad.  :)

After dinner, I took a shower and when I went back into the kitchen, Mabel, Pilar and Mari were trying to do yoga.  They asked me to teach them yoga.  And then Pilar asked me to show them again how I did a cartwheel.  Mari and Mabel wanted to learn exercises to strengthen their stomachs.  I was showing them different things and we were laughing so hard while they were trying to mimic what I was doing.  Mabel is so dramatic too and when she was in plank position, she completely collapsed onto the floor after a few seconds.  Mari said she was already sweating.  :)  I always have so much fun with them!!!

I asked Mari if we were having English class tonight and she said we could start again tomorrow night because Lorenza is sick.  If I end up teaching the night class too, I'm going to have a very long day!!!

My eyes are wanting to close now...I think it's about time I go to sleep early...

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