Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Martes (Tuesday)

There's not much to report on today since I'm doing a lot of the same things now.  I've been a busy bee though from the time I wake up to, well, now...when I can't stop yawning and am ready to fall into bed.

This morning it was raining a lot, so we took the Petra (a combi, or small bus) up to the school.  A lot of the kids were late because of the rain, so we started class late.  We didn't have a break since we started late though and by the time class was almost over, they were restless and ready to leave.  The two boys in my class were playing with this toy that is like a top.  They wind a piece of yarn around it, yank the yarn to send the top spinning, and then can catch it in their hand so that it's spinning in their palm.  They can even hop it over to someone else's hand and it keeps spinning.  It's pretty impressive.  Mabel had to wait for Tino to come up to the school because they were expecting someone from the government to come inspect the school, so Doane and I walked home without her.

After lunch I ended up walking downtown.  It's been good exercise, since I don't have the leisure to be a little late coming back to the house like I did before.

The rain had cleared up by the afternoon class, so we walked to the school.  When my girls came into the classroom they told me that it was Geraldina's birthday tomorrow.  I was thinking we could spend a bit of classtime singing her happy birthday.  I got some lollipops too, so we can have a little bit of a celebration.  This class is really fun to teach because all the girls like to tease each other.

After walking home, I walked downtown again and bought some lollipops for my afternoon class.  I came back a bit late for dinner, but Mari told me to join them in the kitchen and she heated up my pasta for me.  After I showered, I helped Pilar with some of her math homework.  I figured out most of them, but one of the problems was giving me a headache!  Luckily Pilar said she could ask her teacher about the two we had questions about.

It's been a long but fulfilling day and now I'm ready to snuggle under my covers!  Buenas noches!!!

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