Thursday, March 3, 2011

Goodbye Ylfa and Emil!!!

This morning I woke up early even though I still felt sleepy.  I guess I was feeling like I still had a lot to do.  I really wanted to write in my blog, so I hopped on my computer.  Lauren was in the dining room also as she always is.  I worked on my blog before and after breakfast.

My stomach was acting up a little bit, so I asked Mari for some Inca muña before it got too bad.  I sat in the kitchen with Tino, Angela, and Mabel while Mari was making the tea.  Tino was trying to figure out what had upset my stomach and was telling me a story about sweet potatoes because he thought the sweet potatoes we had eaten last night were not cooked well enough.  After drinking the Inca muña I felt a lot better.

I was working on my blog again when Angela and Pilar came to remind me about ballet class.  I got my stuff and met them downstairs.  After the first half of class, I was teaching them another new move and Pilar asked if I knew how to do a cartwheel.  They said they didn't know how and they wanted to learn.  We spent awhile working on those and they were picking it up quickly.  Before I knew it, an hour and fifteen minutes had passed.  Usually we only have an hour class, but since they were having so much fun, it ran longer.  Even after I'd done the ending adagio, they were still practicing the new things we had learned.  I'm really proud of them.  They were asking to work on them some more tomorrow.

Emil and Ylfa were doing the last bits of packing when I came back upstairs.  Rubila served them lunch early since they were going to be leaving before our normal lunchtime.  After a taxi was called for them, we all gave them hugs.  Mari said she didn't want to say goodbye to them.  After she hugged them both she got all teary-eyed and I told her not to do that because then I started to get teary-eyed too.  We watched from the upstairs window as they left.  Emil and I had had a habit of flicking water at each other after we'd washed our hands, so I was happy that at least I'd gotten to do that to him once more before they left.  They will be missed!!!

We had so much food for lunch.  Mabel's been teasing me lately that I'm going to gain weight here, so I think she's given me a bit of a complex.  Either that or the portions have been getting bigger!  Today we had soup, chicken, french fries, a fried egg, and rice for lunch.  I couldn't finish my rice and left a lot of the noodles in the soup like Lauren usually does.  Tino was sitting at the table with us and asked me if I didn't like rice.  I told him it wasn't that, it was just that there was so much food, I couldn't eat it all.  Maybe that and the fact that I had eaten the lúcuma fruit that I had gotten at the everyday market after ballet class.  The lúcuma was yummy, yummy!!!

My lúcuma before I ate it all!!!  :)

I was feeling really sleepy after lunch, but I had promised Lauren that I would go with her to the bus station to help her get her bus tickets for Monday.  She's going down to Lima and then to Arequipa before she makes her way to Cusco.  Tino had drawn us a map and it was a little hard to follow since the streets aren't so clearly marked here.  We found our way there though and the woman was really nice at the counter.  Everything went by without a hitch and when we were walking back, Lauren said she didn't know what she was going to do without me.  We got some "Hola, bonita"s and other flirtations on the way back.  And then it started to rain.  Thankfully we were almost back to the house and didn't get too wet.

This afternoon I've been working on my blog.  The girls are playing a car racing game and Tino is teaching Emily how to weave.  Leslie came by to talk to Emily about taking English classes and she sat down to ask me how I was doing.  We talked for a little while.  It was nice to talk to her again.  :)

I'm exhausted right now!  Lauren wanted to go for a walk after they get back from the school, but hopefully after that I'll get a chance to rest!

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