Thursday, March 10, 2011

Miercoles (Wednesday) and Jueves (Thursday)

The past few days have been great.  I keep waking up at 6 no matter how late I've gone to sleep the night before and then try to go back to sleep until 7...even so, I've been chugging through the days without a nap.

Wednesday morning I did yoga on the roof with some of the volunteers in the big group.  This morning it was wet on the roof, so I just went to help out in the kitchen, setting the table and getting ready for breakfast.  With nineteen volunteers including me, it gets to be quite a production.

In the mornings, I've been reading, writing emails, and talking to friends.  I can't get too used to having such a relaxing and carefree morning though, since next week, after the big group leaves, only Doane (I realized I've been spelling his name wrong all this time) and I will be left to teach up at the mountain school.

Wednesday afternoon, Leslie and I went downstairs to conquer the library.  We had to unpack more books and organized the books that were already there.  She went to Lima today to do some things for her store, but tomorrow, we're going to start an inventory of the books we have.  It is going to be a big undertaking!!!  We saw some funny books in the collection, actually I should say old books.  There was a book relating to the Gremlins movie and an Indiana Jones book that came with a record.  It was all sealed up still.  I was thinking that it actually might be worth something.  :)

This afternoon, I went with Mari and Emily up to Torre Torre.  I went up there the first weekend I was here, but we took a different route.  Mari took us up and over it instead of climbing up to it from the mountain school.  We did make our way down to the mountain school and checked out all of the murals they have been painting.  The volunteers were out playing with the kids since the classes had finished and a little boy came over to me to ask me to throw a ball around with him.  The ball would bounce everywhere though and sometimes after I went to get it, another child would want to play with me.  I ended up throwing the ball to the first little boy, Nando, and a little girl, Olga.  They were both adorable!!!  When we were getting ready to leave, it started raining and since the sun was still out, a huge rainbow appeared over the school in the mountains.  It was a nice way to end the afternoon at the school.

All the kids come up to give the teachers kisses, and when I started walking back down to the house with the other volunteers, Nando, the little boy who I'd been playing ball with, grabbed my hand and told me to walk with him.  He was hopping on one foot and then the other and I was trying to hop along with him.  He asked me where I lived and I told him that I lived in the United States.  He said that was too far away and that I was lying.  :)  I said that I lived with Mari and Tino in Huancayo.  That seemed to satisfy him.  When we got to his street, he let go of my hand and waved goodbye.

Mabel came to walk with me and she keeps trying to tickle me, since I've tickled her a bit.  But she's so ticklish, you can barely touch her and she flinches.  I guess it's a saying here that you're jealous if you are ticklish.  So apparently Mabel is really jealous.  :)  She wanted to run some to, so I raced her part of the way home.  Another boy, Justin, raced us for a bit, but then a dog started barking and chasing him, so Mabel and I slowed down and he dodged the dog.  :)

Back at home, I took a shower and then helped Pilar with her Physics homework.  I was baffled for awhile because there weren't many directions and I had to figure out all the words in English.  I ended up using the internet to help me get to the right answers and I was so proud of myself when I actually came up with an answer that was in the multiple choice answers in her book.  I felt like I'd won something.  I explained it to her and she wrote everything down in her notebook.  Hopefully they are actually the right answers!!!  Angela had already finished her homework by the time we got home, so I didn't have to help her.

By that time it was time to eat dinner.  I helped out in the kitchen some more and now here I am, writing my blog and getting ready to go to sleep late again.

Buenas noches!!!

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