Thursday, June 16, 2011

Backtrack: April 10 ❤ Peruvian food, Sushi and Karaoke

I was so tired the day after Juan's birthday, I fell asleep again in the middle of the day while he was cooking us Peruvian chicken and rice for lunch.  I woke up and after we ate, Juan ended up falling asleep.

By the nighttime, we managed to wake up enough to go out to eat sushi at a nearby restaurant and then walk to a place that had karaoke.

Eating sushi!!!

There was hardly anyone at the karaoke bar, so I got to sing three song and Juan sang two.  There were some people who came later that sang really well, but Juan said she must have love troubles because she kept singing songs about how evil men are.  When we left, we took pictures with the wooden horse out in the front of the bar.  Someone nearby told us that we weren't allowed to climb up onto it.  Haha.  We told him we didn't plan to.

Together at the karaoke bar.
Juan singing salsa.
Pretending to mount the wooden horse outside the karaoke bar.

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