Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Backtrack: May 26 - 27 ❤ Sick...leaving early

I spent most of the day in the house...well, really I spent all day in the house except for going to the internet cafe with Paula to change my flight to leave early.  I felt really bad going back to the house and almost ran back.  Paula kept stopping and asking if I wanted to take a taxi, but I kept saying no because I couldn't imagine going over the speed bumps feeling the way I did.  I thought I might have exploded.  I got back to the house without exploding, but I felt really bad the whole day and still didn't feel like eating.

Paula's daughter in law came over with Beto, Nando, and Mayo to try to diagnose me.  I felt better with them around than with Paula's sister because her sister was almost yelling at me.  They didn't understand that my stomach was telling me not to eat and that everything edible made me feel nauseous.  Paula went to get more Suero, toast and jam, bananas, and Gatorade.  She still thought I wasn't eating because I was angry.  I told her I wasn't blaming anyone for my sickness.  She said she felt really bad that I was sick and started to cry.  I told her that I couldn't tell her how to feel, but that I didn't want to eat because my body didn't want food.  It's not like I wanted to feel that way either.  Her daughter in law brought me some pills to stop my stomach issues.  I wasn't sure if I should take them, but figured I would need to if I wanted to be able to travel.  I ate two little bananas and Nando and Beto started telling me stories about when they had the runs.  Beto said that he was far away from home and knocked on a stranger's door to ask if he could use the bathroom and they let him in.  Nando said he loved cucumbers when he was younger and he ate too many one time and got the runs.  They said that when Diego's brother Tani came to visit with his girlfriend Keiko, Keiko ate too much mole and ended up with the runs.  I don't know if that really was the reason, but it was funny to hear all these stories and it lifted my spirits.  They were telling me that they could take me to all these cool places on Sunday because they didn't work and I told them that I was leaving early.  So they said, next time then.  Beto went to get videos of the Guelaguetza, which is a big dancing event in Oaxaca.  Beto and Nando have danced in the event before.  I watched some minutes of it, but it was so hot in the room that I went back outside to lay down in the hammock.  They left shortly after and Paula asked if I wanted to go to the woman who performed cures.  She said she would take a shower and ask me again, but she never asked again.  I was actually considering it.  She gave me two bananas and left the door to the kitchen open for me.  I was tired but I got up to take a shower.  The cold water felt so good.  I slept for a bit and then woke up to go to the bathroom.  I couldn't sleep after that, so I started singing songs in my head.

I got out of bed around 4 AM because I thought I should take a picture of the goat head in the refrigerator, but when I looked, it was gone!!!  I think it might have been under this bit of plastic in there, but I didn't want to upset my stomach any further by trying to uncover it.  I tried to go back to sleep and finally had to get up to get ready at 5.  I managed to eat 3/4 of a banana before my stomach started to turn.

Paula came with me in the taxi.  There were so many speed bumps.  I tried to breathe deeply to calm my stomach, but the window was open and I just got a big whiff of gasoline.  So then I started counting how many times the taxi driver made the sign of the cross, but after a bit it turned out that he picked his nose or bit his nails more than he made the sign of the cross.  I did manage to differentiate them though and he ended up making the sign of the cross only six times.

We got to the airport with no problem and Paula came inside to wait with me.  I had tried to give her some money at the house before we left, for using her phone and buying me all of the food and Suero, but she told me, "No, friendship is worth more than money."  Before I got up to cross through security, she gave me a hug and told me that she was sad that I was leaving early because I got sick.  In the house she had given me two small embroidered cloths.  One was from Marta and had my name embroidered on it and the other was from her.  They really are beautiful.

I tried to sleep on the airplane from Houston to San Diego, but there was this woman in the row in front of me who was talking about every detail of her life.  I looked at the guy who was sitting next to me and he made a gesture with his hand that she was talking too much.  I laughed and she continued talking.  She ordered a rum and coke when the flight attendant came around with drinks.  After a couple hours, the man next to me said, "She doesn't stop talking!!!"  I told him I thought we knew more about her life than she did.  She ordered another rum and coke and the guy looked at me like, "This isn't good for us."  I laughed.  The flight attendant came back and said that they had already locked up all of the alcohol but here was her coke.  She said something like, "Well this isn't going to help much."  The guy and I laughed.

My dad was there to pick me up from the house and it was a relief to see him.  My sister had given him some coconut water for me to drink and he had brought it in the car.  At home, I drank some water and ate a piece of bread.  I felt better but was weak and tired.  I talked to Candy and was sad to hear that she canceled her tickets to go to Oaxaca since it wouldn't be the same without me there.  I talked to Diego also to make sure he told his mom I had arrived safely and to thank her for everything.

I felt bad that I had to leave early, but with the heat, the mosquitos, and the heavy food, I don't think I would have been able to get better there.  Even at home it took me three days after I got home to find something that helped me get better.  Activated charcoal is a Godsend, I tell you!!!  After I took that I was on the mend.  I was so happy to be able to eat normally!!!

My mom and I went shopping and to eat pho again.  She's as addicted as I am now.  We also went to our neighbor's 70th surprise birthday party.  After that, I packed up my bags again to head out to Cancun...

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