Monday, June 20, 2011

Backtrack: May 24 ❤ At the House and the Cemetery

Today Marcos went to Oaxaca and I stayed at the house with Paula.  She was washing clothes and wanted to know if I had some clothes I wanted to wash.  I told her I did, but before we went to eat something in the comedor (restaurant) near to her house and then we went to the plaza to buy flowers and food.

After we got back I washed my clothes and Chucho came to the house with his dad.  Chencho was putting a bigger window in the room I was staying in.  Chucho kept me company while I finished washing my clothes and hanging them to dry.  He was showing me different-colored butterflies that were flitting around the flowers in the garden.  He saw a little worm and he told me that it was a little snake.  I told him he should put it on some wet ground so it could live, and he launched it into the air and it landed on some dry ground.  He had been putting water on this black lid and the water dried within seconds.  He said he wanted to put the worm on this black lid to burn it.  I swear, boys are boys!!!  Marta and Jesi came then and I played loteria with Jesi and Chucho.  We went into the kitchen to get something to drink and were mixing different sodas that were leftover from the party to come up with drinks that tasted good.  Chucho didn't want to put strawberry soda in his because he said it was for girls.  Jesi put it in his drink anyway and he said he liked it.  He had a little strawberry-colored mustache.  We told him that and he said that I had a grape mustache.  Jesi said he did but I didn't.  Oh, poor Chucho.  We went to watch TV in the other room and I kept falling asleep.  The heat puts me right to sleep.  Marta asked if I wanted to eat, but I wasn't hungry.  Then Paula asked me if I wanted to eat and I said I wasn't hungry yet.  She brought me some soup to try anyway and asked if I wanted more.  I told her that I would eat later, that I felt full.  She put her hand on my belly and asked how I could be full.  I don't understand the need to get me to eat!!!  After awhile, Chucho and Jesica came to tell me they were leaving.

Marcos came home and I ate soup and some tortillas with him.  I sat in the hammock and watched Chencho putting cement around the edge of where the new window was going to go.  I went with Marcos and Paula to the cemetery so that they could put flowers on Marcos' father's, grandfather's and grandmother's graves.  They arranged the flowers in the vases around the graves.  They put fresh water in the vases and also threw water over the gravestones and on the graves.  The mosquitos were eating me alive, so Paula took me back out to the front while Marcos finished up.  Paula called to some people selling pastries and asked me if I wanted one.  I said no and she told them that she kept on trying to get me to eat but that I wouldn't.  I was getting really exasperated with the whole food thing since I had just eaten before we had come.

When we got back, Chencho had finished putting in the window.  There was dust everywhere in the room and so Marcos and I cleaned off all the dust from the bedframe, walls, and floor.  He brought out a cold mango from the refrigerator when we took a break.  It tasted so good since it was so hot still, even at night.  It felt good to have a really clean room before going to sleep.

Oh, and Paula found the pollitos (little chickens) that she thought she had lost the day before.  :)

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