Sunday, June 19, 2011

Backtrack: May 4 ❤ Artisan Market

Since Leah had to go in to work for a meeting today, we decided to head out to an artisan market for a bit in the morning.  It reminded me of some of the markets in Huancayo, except that it was much smaller.  We walked through for about an hour and I got a dress for Charlie and a shirt for me with the same crocheted flowers on the neckline.  I also got some really beautiful sandals that are embroidered on the thick strap that covers the middle part of the foot.  And my scarf habit continues.  They had such beautifully-colored scarves, I couldn't pass them up.

After Leah got back from her meeting, Joshua was really irritable.  She was getting really frustrated with him, until she finally realized that he was sick and when she took his temperature, it was 102.  Poor little thing.  He had a rough night and I woke up when Leah went to tend to him.  I remembered what my mom had always done for me when I was little and had a fever.  She would always bring me ice chips to suck on in a little glass bowl.  I suggested this to Leah and it helped to calm him down and reduce the fever.  Plus, we all finally got back to sleep.

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