Saturday, June 18, 2011

Backtrack: April 30 ❤ Papallacta

I woke up earlier than everyone else as usual and was writing emails and being even quieter than most mornings because Matteo was sleeping on the couch.  Leo came out first and started making breakfast for us all.  I could hear Leah with Lucas and Joshua came out and was trying to get Matteo to wake up.  Matteo was trying to get Joshua to leave him alone so he could sleep some more.  Leah came out and told Matteo that he should get up to eat and that he could sleep more on the drive to Papallacta, the hot springs.

After breakfast, we all piled into the car.  I was squeezed in between Joshua and Lucas' carseats and poor Matteo was in the trunk with all of the stuff we brought for the hot springs.

Once we got to the hot springs (apparently I missed quite a beautiful view of some lakes and mountains along the way because I couldn't keep my eyes open), we gathered up the things that Leah had packed for lunch and walked up toward a trail that would lead us to some picnic tables.  A man stopped us outside of the gate and told us that we needed to pay to go in.  Leah had told him that she had never been asked to pay before.  He said that she had just been lucky that someone wasn't out there to collect the money but that it had always been that way.  He let us go but said that we would be charged the next time.  We made our way along the path.  It was very pretty, lined with small gardens that had labels next to the herbs and vegetables within them.  There were huge trees and bushes and further along some electric fences.  I can't remember what they were protecting but that I didn't want to get electrocuted.  haha  Leah told me that her boss had come out there with a few other people to go hiking up on the mountains above.  She said he's was too proud to ask for a guide and they ended up getting lost.  We found the small clearing with the picnic table, with trees surrounding it.  It was a beautiful spot.  We ate chicken sandwiches, chips, and drank Gatorade.  Joshua always asks what the thunderbolts were on the Gatorade bottle.

We walked back to the parking lot to get our bathing suits and entered into the area where the hots springs are.  We went to a small pool at first that had a wading pool near it that Leah thought would be perfect for Joshua.  After changing, I sat with Leah in the larger pool while Leo stayed with the boys in the smaller pool.  They looked just like swimming pools, but the water was very warm.  It got so warm for us in the larger pool that we went to go join the kids in the other pool.  After a bit, we rounded up the crew and went over to the largest pool on the other side of the park.  There were a lot more people over there and I played with Joshua for a little bit and then ended up throwing a ball around with Matteo for the rest of the time at the hots springs.  He would get out of the pool and have me throw the ball to him so he could jump off the side and head the ball back to me.  We had a lot of fun together.  We washed off and then drove down the street to get some hot chocolate and empanadas before we drove home.  We went out in the back of the little restaurant to check out a pool they had out there and came upon a little puppy.  I took some pictures of Joshua trying to play with it.  Unfortunately Joshua didn't like how the puppy played with him by nipping at his hands.  

The puppy nipping at Joshua.
After we finished eating, we got back in the car to make the drive home.  It was too dark to see the views on the side of the road as we left and then I fell asleep again until we got closer to home.  We ate at a Mexican restaurant near their apartment.  Every time we pass it on the way home, Joshua always says guacamole because he likes to eat the guacamole they serve as an appetizer.  The burrito I got was really good, but I couldn't manage to eat it all.

After eating we went home and all slept really well after a fun day.  :)

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