Thursday, June 16, 2011

Backtrack: April 5 - 8 ❤ My first days in Cancun

I should explain why I left Huancayo early to come to Cancun.  I came to celebrate Juan's (Blenda's brother) birthday.  We met each other in Lima when I first arrived in Peru and we spent about as much time if not more time together than Blenda and I did.  A month after he saw me off at the bus station in Lima, we started writing to each other every day and became very close, close enough that he asked me to be his girlfriend.

So when I arrived at the airport, I was expecting him to be there waiting for me after going through the luggage check.  As I exited the airport, people from taxi services were asking if I needed a ride and tour bus coordinators were asking which tour I was with.  I just kept shaking my head and looking for Juan.  I didn't see him, so I sat down on a cement planter with my luggage.  A taxi driver nearby asked me if I needed a ride and I told him no.  He asked if I was waiting for someone and I told him that I was.  He said that this wasn't the only international exit at the airport and that maybe I should check the other gate.  I started to walk towards the other exit, but I didn't know exactly where I was going, I was tired, and I thought that maybe Juan was making his way over to where I had been.  When I got back there, the same guy asked if I had gone over there.  I said no and he said that my ride would probably be coming this way at any moment anyway and just as he said that he said, "This must be him."  Juan was running toward me with a pot of roses.  He gave me the roses, grabbed my face and kissed me.  I was wondering why some people were taking pictures of us and it turned out his friends had come to document our first kiss.

The roses Juan brought for me.
Juan introduced me to his friends Charly and Ana, and then we got in Charly's car.  Not five minutes into our drive, the cops pulled us over.  We had to get out of the car and Juan and I were hugging on the curb and the police officer told us to get back in because we were drawing to much attention.  :)  Our next stop was to get something to eat.  I tried a bunch of different mexican dishes that I hadn't ever tried before and all of them were delicious.  We were planning to go to the beach later, but we ended up just relaxing instead.

Juan had only gotten five days off after his birthday on the 9th, so I had to keep myself busy while he was at work.  His friend Ana came over after she had finished working and we went to the supermarket to get some food.  When we got back to the house, she made me dinner and it was really yummy.  She's also a chef like Juan.

The next day, I went out with Ana after she got back from work.  She took me to The Island to go shopping for something to wear for Juan's birthday party that Saturday.

On Friday, I went to Plaza Las Americas to look for something to wear out to dinner that night.  Ana and I were going to the ME by Melia hotel to eat at Silk, the restaurant where Juan works at the sushi bar or at the teppanyaki table.  She came by to get me and we took a taxi to the hotel and sat at the teppanyaki table where Juan was performing, I mean, cooking.  We had a drink, some sushi, and enjoyed the show. Juan had me come up to help him break the egg and I made a mess of it.  If you want to see him in action you can look at this You Tube video of him: Juan Cerna ME by Melia teppanyaki

Juan making a heart made of fried rice.  :)  I'd like to think it was just for me.
After dinner, Ana and I went to the Rose bar where her boyfriend, Charly works.  It was ladies' night, so we got our drinks for free.  We chatted and people-watched while we waited for Juan to get off of work. When he was done, we met him outside and we all took a bus back downtown.  Ana told us when the clock hit midnight and it was officially his birthday.  Juan and I went to a restaurant to get him some birthday shots...

A second later, he accidentally knocked them over and he was covered in red sauce and tequila.  :-/
...and then we went home after a long day.

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