Friday, June 17, 2011

Backtrack: April 15 - 21 ❤ Last days in Cancun and flight to Lima

Unfortunately Juan only had 5 days off, so the days before I left, I had to entertain myself again after he left for work.  We spent time together during the mornings before he left and sometimes did a few things at night when he got back, like walking to the nearby OXXO (like a 7-11) to get water or a snack.

The night before I left, we went out with Ana and Charly to try to find a place to go dancing.  We went to a place that Juan thought was playing salsa music, but they were playing 80's.  We stayed for a drink and I thought we would dance some, but instead we just sat, drank, and enjoyed the music.  They had a huge screen taking up most of one wall that showed the MTV videos of the song being played.  It was quite entertaining.  We left there in search of a dance club, but when the search turned up empty, Charly drove us back to Juan's apartment.

In the morning, Juan took me to Mercado 28 to find some dresses for Charlie, my niece.  We found some really cute ones.  Here are some pictures of Charlie in one of her dresses.

Charlie's new dress!!! 
Such a cutie!!!
We went to eat at a restaurant in the marketplace and then we had to head back to the apartment, so I could do my last bit of packing and we headed off to the airport in a taxi.  He waited with me while I got my boarding passes and then we had a tearful goodbye before I headed into the security checkpoint.

I had a layover in Panama, and this older Peruvian woman started talking to me.  She was asking me where I was coming from and said that she had just flown in from California after seeing her new granddaughter.  She said she was glad to be going back home.  I told her that I had just gone to see my boyfriend in Cancun, but that he was originally from Lima and I was on my way to stay with his family. She was so sweet and she told me that I spoke Spanish really well!!!  On the flight, I chatted with the woman sitting next to me for a short while.  She asked me what I was doing in Peru and I told her that I was visiting my boyfriend's family, but that I had also volunteered in Huancayo.  She told me she was from Huancayo originally.  It was fun talking to her about it.  She also told me that I spoke Spanish well!!!  Hooray!!!  Improvement!!!

Once I got into the airport, Doris and Daniel were waiting to take me back to the apartment.  :)  Back in Peru again!!!

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