Monday, June 20, 2011

Backtrack: May 25 ❤ Marta's House

This morning Paula took Marcos to the airport in Oaxaca.  I told them I would go to Marta's house instead of joining them.  Marta said they would come back to get me around 10 but they ended up coming at 11.  This morning, when I finally got up after Paula and Marcos left, I realized that Paula had left the door to the kitchen locked and I didn't have any food or water.  I ate and apple that I found and wanted to open this large jug of water that was out, but I thought that Marta would be coming soon to get me.  By the time I went over there I felt horrible.  I thought I'd feel better after drinking water and eating something, but I still felt sick.  I ended up sleeping for 2 hours and then I tried to eat again, but the food they gave me was spicy and greasy and I couldn't eat much of it.  I was frustrated because I didn't want to say anything bad and I didn't know exactly what I could eat.  I started crying and Jesica hugged me.  Marta asked if I wanted to travel around more and she told me that she knew Ejutla was "feo" (ugly) and that I probably missed my family.  Jesica suggested that we go to the internet cafe.  Paula came to the internet cafe while we were there and we went back to Marta's house.  They wanted me to eat something but I didn't want to eat what they served me.  Everything I looked at made my stomach turn.

Paula and I went home and she told me she was sorry for keeping the kitchen locked and that she knew I was mad - but I wasn't mad.  I just wished I was with my mom so she could take care of me.  Paula told me that the dog had gotten loose and had eaten some eggs.  I drank some yogurt and water and then lay down.  Paula and her sister came into my room to try to figure out what was wrong with me.  Then Paula rubbed an unbroken egg on my head, chest, stomach and back and then cracked it into a glass of water.  I thought she was going to make me drink it, but she didn't.  She asked me if she could spit Mezcal on my head and demonstrated by spitting it on the wall.  I told her no, so she told me I should maybe just drink it.  She put a fan in my room and kept asking me if I wanted to go to the doctor.  She told me to come into the kitchen to eat, and she put two bowls in front of me with tortillas.  i just ate a tortilla and drank some water.

I finally got to talk to my sister and my mom and they told me that it sounded like I was dehydrated and to drink lots of water with salt in it or soda with salt in it.  I drank and drank and drank until I felt sick to my stomach.  Paula went to get me an electrolyte drink called Suero.  I drank all that I could and then tried to sleep...

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