Sunday, June 19, 2011

Backtrack: May 3 ❤ Guayasamin's Art Museum

Today, Leah and I went to Guayasamin's Art Museum called the Capilla del Hombre.  There was a lot of artwork outside of the museum as well as inside.  I really loved this museum since it was beautiful and also possible to see and enjoy each piece.  

Some of the artwork outside the museum.
Leah and Lucas outside of the museum.
I tried to mimic the sculpture behind me.
Inside the museum, we were able to watch a short video about Guayasamin.  He was an Ecuadorian artist influenced by artists such as Picasso, Goya, and El Greco.  Most of his art dealt with war and were full of pain, but in his later years he tried to incorporate hope into his artwork.

Guayasamin did a series of faces expressing different emotions.  These are just a small portion.

This is one of his most famous pieces called El Mestizo.

This is a self-portrait of Guayasamin.  He added the layer of green later on in his life to signify hope.
This is another one of Guayasamin's more famous paintings.   It is called Lagrimas de Sangre or Blood Tears.  He painted it in memory of Salvador Allende, Pablo Neruda, and Victor Jara.

This painting is called La Ternura.  He went through three periods in his artwork: La Edad de Ira (Period of Anger), La Edad de Ternura (Period of Tenderness), and La Edad de Esperanza (Period of Hope).

Guayasamin's ashes were scattered under this tree that is just outside his house.  His lover's ashes were scattered under the same tree when he passed away after Guayasamin.

This is Guayasamin's house that is situated above the museum. 

The view from nearby Guayasamin's house was beautiful.
Since the museum was near El Parque Metropolitano (Metropolitan Park) we were going to go for a walk.  It was midday though and the sun was so hot, we decided to turn back a few minutes in.

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