We finally made it to La Mitad del Mundo (the middle of the world) museum. They had some indigenous art, signs indicating that we were on the equator, and the tour guide showed us some things that are different on the equator.
Shrunken head at the Mitad del Mundo museum. |
Shrunken animal head at the Mitad del Mundo museum. |
Standing by the line indicating that we are at Latitude 0...the equator!!! |
The tour guide showed us how the water in a tub swirled one way on one side of the equator and the other way on the other side. Directly on the equator, the water didn't swirl at all. It was pretty cool to actually see it. He also had me do different things to one side of the equator and then again on the equator. For instance, he had me press my fingers together as hard as I could and he tried to pull them apart on the side of the equator. It was hard for him to do, but when we were on the equator he did it relatively easily. He said that the pull of gravity is less on the equator so less force was needed to pull my fingers apart. He had me walk on the line of the equator with my eyes closed, and I felt a pull from each side and it wasn't that easy to walk in a straight line. Then he challenged me to balance an egg on what looked like a nail-head. It took me a little bit of time, but I finally did it!!! They gave me a special certificate for successfully balancing it.
After a little bit of effort, I balanced the egg on the equator!!! |
Cuys (Guinea pigs) in one of the native houses at the Mitad del Mundo museum. |
After the museum, Leah and I went to get manicure/pedicures at the place where she usually goes. For both it was only $12! Unheard of!!! We took Joshua and Lucas to a park in an enclosed neighborhood where there are a lot of expatriots. Leah's friend Robin was there with her daughter and I met some of the other mothers Leah knew and their children. I was trying to stay with Joshua. We'd been to the park before and I'd looked away for a second and he'd fallen between the slats on one of the ladders they have there. The rungs are way too far apart for kids. Or maybe just because he's only 2.
Back at the house, some of Leo and Leah's friends came over to see Lucas. They have a daughter who's about 8 or 9 and a baby who was around or under a year old. Their daughter was playing with Joshua. I wanted to be social, but I was so tired. The midday sun at the museum had wiped me out. I was trying to read my book on the air mattress, but it was tough when Joshua and the girl were doing "trampolines" (somersaults) on the edge of my air mattress. After awhile they went off to entertain themselves with other things and I fell asleep.
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