Today I got up a little bit late. When I made my bed, I lifted up my pillow and discovered four little worms underneath. Oh, it was so yucky. I think they are worms from the corn. I'm going to make it a ritual to check underneath my pillow every night before I go to sleep. :)
After I dressed, I ate with the family. A lot of them came over to eat the food leftover from the party the day before. I think they knew that I hadn't really liked the goat that much because they served me other meat. I ate it with tortillas, beans and quesillo. Almost everyone left after the brunch (they called it lunch but since it was 10 AM, I'm calling it brunch). Another family came. They had a little girl who reminded me of my niece. I had gone in my room to read and she came into my room with a ball and wanted to play. She couldn't speak at all, but she would point or motion with her hand and make little grunting sounds. When she wanted me to come she would move her hand to come and point at my shoes. We went into the room where Paula and Marcos slept and she showed me a big stuffed bear. Then she was fascinated as I turned on and off a flashlight she had found. She wanted to press the button to turn it on and off herself. :) She got bored with that and she went to go look out the door to the street. She was pointing to the horse that was eating in the field across from the house. She would turn back to make sure I was looking too. Then she went into the bathroom and liked when I turned the light on and off. I helped her wash her hands and then she pulled off a piece of toilet paper to dry them off. She was so cute.
After they left, I went with Paula, Marcos, Armando (Paula's brother), and Carmela (Paula's friend) to two natural springs where fresh water streams out of the ground into small pools. The first place we went was called San Bernardo. It was really pretty because it was so natural. There were people bathing in the fresh water.
Paula taking a picture of the fresh water streaming from the ground at San Bernardo. |
San Bernardo: Paula walking around the freshwater pool. |
San Bernardo: You can see people bathing at the far end of the pool. |
Across from the natural pools, there were huge trees and some picnic tables underneath them. It was really hot that day, so it was nice to be in the shade of the huge trees.
San Bernardo: Spring water coming from the ground near the huge trees. |
San Bernardo: "Take care of the trees like you care for your family." |
San Bernardo: Paula taking a drink from the spring. |
When we left, we ran into some people selling corn on the cob from a large pail. Paula asked if I wanted some and I told her no. The rest of them munched on their corn as we drove to the next destination. This next place we went to was less natural and had cement and posts around the spring water. They had put up the posts so that people wouldn't throw coins into the water like they might into a fountain. There was a place in the middle of the square selling food, but when they asked if I wanted something, I still wasn't hungry. We made our way to a church and went inside.
Outside the church. |
Walking into the church. |
Paula praying in front of the altar. |
Inside the church, Paula and Marcos prayed. Marcos told me to follow him up and around the altar. He told me that when he was 10 years old, he had put his ear up to the rocks to the side of the altar and could hear a sound like the ocean but now he couldn't. Was it the place or him that changed???
When we left the church, we went back to the place that sold food since Paula's brother was sitting there talking to the people who worked there. It was cool there under some trees. They asked me again if I wanted something to eat and I said no. The woman said that maybe the "gringita" didn't like mexican food like they didn't like american food. I told her in Spanish that I just wasn't hungry and she said, "Ay, mira como entiende el español!" ("Oh, look how she understands Spanish!") I had been getting frustrated because if I said I didn't want to eat, they would assume I didn't like the food, even if we'd just eaten!!!
We went home and then to Marta's house. Marta made us tostadas with beans, quesillo, tomato, and chiles. After that we ate gelatina (jello). The mosquitos were attacking me at their house and Marta gave me a towel to put over my legs. I started to fall asleep, so they took me out to the hammack they had outside and put a sheet over me so the bugs wouldn't get to me. I was fighting to stay awake, but my eyes kept closing. I'm not sure how long I slept, but when I woke up, Chucho was there next to me, waiting for me to come play with him. They were trying to decide what to play and Chucho was blowing feathers from their pet birds over me. We finally decided to play "canicas" (marbles). Yesi got a sharp pole and dug the holes into the ground so we could play. I'd never really played marbles correctly, so I wasn't very good at it. It was fun though. After we played a bit, Marcos said we should go. We passed by an internet cafe on the way home and they left me there so I could use the computer for an hour and then they came back for me to take me back to the house.
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